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BombSquad/Ballistica Official
BombSquad / feature-suggestions / GUIDELINES
SoK [GMT +1] 10/8/2023 7:50 AM
Howdy there! Wanna help with BombSquad development in a way? Provide a feature suggestion! It may end up in the game! To keep this channel as clean as possible, there are a few rules: 1. Don't post feature suggestions that were already posted. Any duplicated posts will be removed. 2. Try to explain your suggestion as thoroughly as possible. 3. Suggestions that are too vague or already in the roadmap will be removed or treated with Roadmap Seagull. 4. Be specific. For example: "ADD NEW CHARACTERS!!" is not allowed, but "I have an idea for a character! Here are the details.." is. Check the roadmap here! (edited)
The BombSquad Game Engine. Contribute to efroemling/ballistica development by creating an account on GitHub.
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